The People's Review
Éle Quinn, PhD candidate in the University of Galway, is completing an exciting citizen science project, supervised by Dr Hynes and Prof Moher. The project is called The People's Review (website and social media coming soon).
The People's Review aims to help the public learn about evidence synthesis and systematic reviews, to understand why they matter, and to be better equipped to think critically about health claims. The Peoples Review will also help researchers learn about how best to involve the public in different stages of a systematic review. This in turn will help influence other systematic reviews to be better designed and implemented in the future. Keep an eye on the People's Review channels for updates.

Build-a-Box Campaign
This project is led by Dr Hazel Killeen and Dr Hynes. The Build-a-Box campaign partners occupational therapy students with community organisations- COPE Galway, Galway City Partnership and a local DEIS primary school- to help those worst affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.
More information on the project can be found here: Build-A Box NUI Galway.
103 boxes filled with items to reduce the negative effects of confinement were delivered to older adults living alone, women in Direct Provision, homeless women and children with additional needs and in lower socio-economic groups.
The Build-a-Box project was supported by funding from the Community Knowledge Initiative, NUI Galway, with the boxes provided by Carabay Packaging.
You can watch a webinar on Community Engaged Learning HERE titled "Developing Community Engagement and Partnerships in the Curriculum - Lessons
for the Present and Future".
The findings from the project have been published and are available here.

Making Occupational Therapy a Reality for Occupational Therapy Students (MIROTS)
Three Universities (Lund University (LU), University of Southampton (UoS) and National University of Ireland, Galway (NUIG) have collaborated in a strategic partnership funded through Erasmus+, European Commission. The aim of the project was to internationalise their curricula to support the development of intercultural skills and professional identity amongst occupational therapy students. The three-year project offered two learning and teaching activities - a physical exchange and a virtual learning activity both of which were designed to internationalise the classroom; an exchange of staff skills; educational materials to enhance academic debate in the field of occupational injustice and the development of a tool to measure professional identity.
Link to the project and associated free-to-use resources here: https://libguides.lub.lu.se/MIROTS