Our Research
Dr Hynes’ research interest lie largely in the area of neurorehabiltation. Her research to date has been with people with multiple sclerosis, older adults, people with brain injury and people with dementia. Dr Hynes has experience working with occupational therapists, people with dementia, multiple sclerosis, acquired brain injury and older adults- with particular expertise in working and research in the area of cognition with multiple sclerosis.
Her current research focuses on the development and testing of an evidence-based, occupation-based programme for people with multiple sclerosis who experience cognitive difficulties (COB-MS) www.cob-ms.com funded by the Health Research Board. Dr Hynes is the Principal Investigator of the COB-MS trial.
Dr Hynes has worked as a trial manager for £2million community occupational therapy dementia trial (ISRCTN 10748953). This was a multi-centre large-scale dementia trial in the UK, the largest occupational therapy trial to take place in the UK.
Dr Hynes is a member of the NUI Galway & Ageing – Cross Institute Ageing Assembly.
ORCID: 0000-0002-3199-7355

Image credit: Eoghan Hynes 2010
Community-based rehabilitation
Cognitive rehabilitation in multiple sclerosis
​Community-based care for people living with dementia
Service-learning/Community-Engaged Learning
Public and Patient Involvement in Research